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How Can We Help

Brandon Pride believes in the power of collaboration and community. By working with local resource providers, we are able to create safer spaces and inclusive environments for individuals of all backgrounds. Check out the following service organizations to see how we're making a difference in ourselves and the community.

Sexuality Education
Resource Centre (SERC)

SERC offers affirming and supportive programming for 2STLGBQ+ individuals, families, and friends in Brandon and Western Manitoba.

  •  Proving 2STLGBQ+ awareness & support education, training, consultation and outreach

  •  Running monthly all-ages social and peer support groups for those in the 2STLGBQ+ community

  • Hosting and curating a 2STLGBQ+ resource library

  • Providing referrals for those looking for further learning or connections

  • Supporting 2STLGBQ+ communities by tabling at events


At PFLAG, they help 2SLGBTQ+ people & loved ones connect with resources & find a supportive community. They are a family for all. In communities across the country, the PFLAG Canada network provides peer support, education and advocacy for a Canada that affirms, respects, and values all sexualities, genders, and gender expressions.

  • Providing resources for individuals, parents/support circles, and social services

Trans Health Clinic
(Prairie Mountain Health)

The clinic is once a month and is open to client self-referrals and referrals from health providers for individuals 16 years of age and older living within the Prairie Mountain Health Region.

The clinic strives to provide open and inclusive care for any client who identifies as gender diverse or seeking more information regarding gender-affirming care.

Affirming Your Identity

This resource was developed to increase accessibility to gender-affirming care. Affirming your identity can take many forms. Often, this includes the daunting process of legally changing your name and gender designation on various government documents.


This resource aims to help folks:

  • Feel more comfortable and confident in their identity.

  • Support Trans people in their community by compiling this information in one place.

  • Know what resources and supports are currently available.

  • Because they may be struggling, looking for hope, or anything to help.

  • Because they matter!


Manitoba Pride Alliance

The Manitoba Pride Alliance (MPA) was launched in January 2024 underneath Pride Winnipeg’s organizational umbrella. The Manitoba Pride Alliance encourages collaboration and networking between rural, remote, and grassroots Pride organizations from all corners of the Province of Manitoba.

  • Establish a province-wide community for 2SLGBTQ+ organizations that produce Pride events, such as a parade, march, rally, festival, arts or cultural activity, social event, or activity organized for those who identify as 2SLGBTQ+.

  • Build and support vibrant and strong Manitoban 2SLGBTQ+ communities through collaboration, support, networking, resource sharing and advocacy.

  • Encourage learning from one another by sharing experience, knowledge, and best practices around 2SLGBTQ+ activities and events.

  •  Build unity in the Pride movement throughout Manitoba through education, programming, resources, networking, representation, and funding opportunities.

Empowerment Fund

The Westman Empowerment Fund was created to assist transgender, non-binary, two-spirit, and other gender-diverse individuals who reside in Westman, by targeting financial barriers to their transition-related care.

Over time, partnerships were established with the Sexuality Education Resource Centre (SERC), Smitten, and Brandon Pride. 

The Westman Empowerment Fund's first initiative to give back its community was a one-time chest binder giveaway done in December 2023, in partnership with Smitten.


Today, the Fund continues to build its slate of programming, as well as its fundraising capabilities, with hopes of fostering the strength and vibrancy of Westman's trans and gender-diverse community.

These are just some of many resources - feel free to reach out to Brandon Pride or any of these other organizations listed above and we would be more than happy to assist you in your discovery.


Are you ready to show your love for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in your area?
We've got a list of other pride organizations in the area that you can check out and get involved with.
Let's spread the love and make a difference together!

Linked to most common medias for information - Brandon Pride is not responsible for the content of these external links



Safe Spaces in Brandon

Brandon Pride is a committee that strives to create awareness and advocacy for 2SLGTBQIA+ in Westman. We host activities and events on the homelands of the Dakota, Red River Metis, Anishinaabe, Cree, Anishininew, and Dene People - all of which include many proud Indigiqueer and 2 Spirit individuals that are part of our community.

Contact Us

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